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Bucuresti, Romania
"Cheama norocul in ajutor, dar da si din maini". Plutarh Sunt pasionata de foarte multe lucruri de cand ma stiu. Imi place sa fac tot timpul ceva, sa cos, crosetez, tricotez, tes, , pictez,gatesc si multe altele, sa am ocupate mintea si mainile. Astept pareri,critici, sfaturi si de ce nu, schimb de experienta.

luni, 30 ianuarie 2023

Dear Sir / Ma'am

Gaviria Ramond OTC EXCHANGE FIRM , Good day , I'm a
representative of the team community OTC DESK offering a large
supply of (USDT) and foreign currencies exchange on large volumes
with a discount over the market prices, our otc desk is willing
to supply and trade around the globe , kindly contact us below
for further details;


Tel : +31627541528
Email :
Skype : Ramon Gaviria
WhatsApp : +31627541528


Dear Sir/Madam

We confirm our readiness and willingness to issue our Sales
Corporate Offer (SCO) and then straight to Commercial Invoice
(CI) upon acceptance of our terms and conditions stipulated
herein for the below products.

We have a direct affiliation with refineries for large sales of
crude oil and Petroleum products on CIF and FOB ,CI, DIP & Pay
basis such as;
Jet Fuel JP54
Jet Fuel A-1
Diesel D2 Gost 305-82
Petroleum Coke
Diesel Fuel EN590
Fuel Oil Cst 180, 280 and 380
D6 Virgin Fuel oil
Mazut M100
UREA and lots more.

Kindly let us know through below contact details if you have an
interest in any of the above products in order to furnish you
with the SCO (soft corporate Offer) for the product.


Mr.Gailu Georgy Grigorievich
Managing Director.
Phone: +7 9853936523

joi, 12 ianuarie 2023

Important notice for

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marți, 10 ianuarie 2023

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sâmbătă, 7 ianuarie 2023

From Irene McCann

I'm currently hospitalized in a private hospital as a result of cancer. My purpose of writing to you is for a charity project with what I have in my private saved Deposit.
Irene McCann

Tank storage lease /pipeline/tank/bunker


Mon, Dec 19, 2022, 12:15 PM
to me
.....  Greetings,

My name is Avan Janssen, I am the official representative for Neste Terminal Rotterdam BV. tank storage and Logistic Company Neste Terminal Rotterdam BV are  global agent provider of storage and shipment of oil and vessel Logistic Company

Our storage and logistics companies operates reliable and durable storage
facilities located at Europort Rotterdam, Houston Ports,e.t.c Some of the Ex-shore

tanks are:
Fixed-roof tanks,
External floating roof tanks,
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) tanks,
Domed external floating roof tanks and many more classes of storage and
transportation tanks.

Also are services for leasing of oil storage tanks,
Transshipment of oil products,
Transportation & Logistics,

Our Tank Storage operators and logistics are 100% ownership For storage, logistics and leasing purpose, please contact us for immediate storage availability and logistics purposes..Thanks in advance

marți, 3 ianuarie 2023

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