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Blog despre si cu: handmade, moda si croitorie, gastronomie.

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Bucuresti, Romania
"Cheama norocul in ajutor, dar da si din maini". Plutarh Sunt pasionata de foarte multe lucruri de cand ma stiu. Imi place sa fac tot timpul ceva, sa cos, crosetez, tricotez, tes, , pictez,gatesc si multe altele, sa am ocupate mintea si mainile. Astept pareri,critici, sfaturi si de ce nu, schimb de experienta.

marți, 2 august 2022

Open Vacations Submittal Approval

Requested by  : HR Department
Position           : Director of Human Resources

Dear Staff,

Kindly check the Memo:

inter/ announcements/

Referring to the above subject from HR approval announcement for your annual vacation plan.note that all names highlighted in red are the ones approved.

Termination employees, are mark in yellow color indicates staff status.

Please need your return response to verify date by end of the month.

Please let me know,should you have further questions.


Thanks & Regards,

Director of Human Resources
HR Manager for

Email :-
Web :-


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