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Blog despre si cu: handmade, moda si croitorie, gastronomie.

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Bucuresti, Romania
"Cheama norocul in ajutor, dar da si din maini". Plutarh Sunt pasionata de foarte multe lucruri de cand ma stiu. Imi place sa fac tot timpul ceva, sa cos, crosetez, tricotez, tes, , pictez,gatesc si multe altele, sa am ocupate mintea si mainile. Astept pareri,critici, sfaturi si de ce nu, schimb de experienta.

duminică, 14 august 2022



Hope this email find you well, we write to inform your esteem company that we are official mandate to 3 top major refinery in Russia attach is our mandate letter and offer from one of our seller, kindly take a prompt view and reverse back with us with your icpo so we can proceed.

Do contact us direct with your prefered offer and price so we can discuss with our seller and supply you with your requested product.

Best Regard
Vladimir Abram

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