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Bucuresti, Romania
"Cheama norocul in ajutor, dar da si din maini". Plutarh Sunt pasionata de foarte multe lucruri de cand ma stiu. Imi place sa fac tot timpul ceva, sa cos, crosetez, tricotez, tes, , pictez,gatesc si multe altele, sa am ocupate mintea si mainile. Astept pareri,critici, sfaturi si de ce nu, schimb de experienta.

joi, 8 septembrie 2022

Smolnefteprom-LLC-SCO-1 (1).pdf

Dear Sir/ Ma'am.
Attached herein is our company's (Smonefteprom) soft co-operate offer for your perusal. This is to confirm that the seller/refinery has the capacity to deliver these products as contained in our offer. You can revert to us with inquires and questions regarding petroleum/petrochemical products.
Best Regards,
Lisov Sergey Georgievich,
Sales Department,
WhatsApp:   +79687130571
Skype: Lisov.Georgievich

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