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Bucuresti, Romania
"Cheama norocul in ajutor, dar da si din maini". Plutarh Sunt pasionata de foarte multe lucruri de cand ma stiu. Imi place sa fac tot timpul ceva, sa cos, crosetez, tricotez, tes, , pictez,gatesc si multe altele, sa am ocupate mintea si mainile. Astept pareri,critici, sfaturi si de ce nu, schimb de experienta.

luni, 26 august 2024


Dear sir/ma,

We the management of OILPRO TRADING LLP, with legal responsibility under penalty of perjury hereby confirm the availability and capability to supply the listed Products on our SCO for Immediate Spot and Contract sales. The Supply is guaranteed to meet the Specifications and pass through the requirements of

We are a direct mandate to major top refineries in KAZAKHSTAN. "Only direct negotiations from buyers, representatives shall be considered."

Best regards,
Shopbaev Talgat Madeniyetovich
WHATSAPP: +77751354749

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